Puberty, to my eyes, is something that can be accomplished in. I honestly don't understand the fascination. There's no such thing as middle school over here (although they're bringing it in, reportedly). During puberty, you're a teenager, afterwards, you're in your late teens, and then an adult. Here's a short list of the nine most helpful mods (well, eight mods and a mod.

The Sims 4, the latest in EA's life simulation game, has only been out or three weeks and there are already a ton of different mods to change up the game.While most of the mods that are found on mainly focus on new clothing options, some of them are incredibly hilarious, or just downright useful. I was very glad that in the Sims 4 they added young adult to the age range, and then latter the addition of the toddlers coming back! All the updates I am most pleased with, however I think preteens should be added to. Let me start by saying have have been a loyal Sims fan now for a long time.